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Help others with Business Analysis Knowledge Sharing

Would you like to help us, to help other Business Analysts with your knowledge & experience online?

We are providing an opportunity for Business Analysts from around the world to share their professional experiences, advice and learning with other Business Analysts in the format of published articles, presentations, pictures etc. directly on the Business Analysis Excellence website. By having your contribution published as a permanent webpage on the BAE site your knowledge will be available to thousands of Business Analysis visitors from around the globe all  the time – not just for that fleeting few moments when your opinion is published on LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook.
Help us, help other Business Analysts by contributing your experiences and knowledge gained in your career as a Business Analyst.

Who can participate?

Any professional who have some project experience, BA certification experience or any other professional experience which relates to the field of Business Analysis and is willing to share their original thoughts, experiences and knowledge. We want to promote Business Analysis globally in a way where everyone can benefit from the Business Analysis Excellence online platform.

What are we looking for?

We are looking for original content in the form of articles, podcasts, videos, presentations, info graphs and any other value adding Business Analysis content. We will not allow any content that has been published somewhere else online. Content must be original. We will not duplicate your original content either…we will only share it online with our BA Community.

What is in it for you as a BA Professional?

Every approved submission will allow for the professional to include their professional profile with contact details. This will allow you to promote yourself via the published content by providing your website (if you are a company or a blogger), your email address and any social media links you might want to include. This is a great way to establish a professional profile on a global online platform which specialises in Business Analysis.

Can companies, groups or related industries also submit content?

As long as your content is original and adds value to the Business Analysis Community, we will allow anyone to make submissions.


Please complete the online form below and we will send you more information about exactly how you can contribute.

    Get in touch with us today!

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