Agile Business Analysis Technique Kano Analysis
Kano Analysis is used to understand which product characteristics or qualities will prove to be a significant differentiator in the marketplace and help to drive customer satisfaction.
Kano Analysis is a process used to identify features which are viewed by customers as threshold, performance, excitement, or indifferent. This helps determine which features are most important to implement before releasing a solution to market.
- Threshold or basic features must be present for customers to be satisfied. These are features they expect.
- Performance features customers view as the more the better.
- Excitement are features a customer doesn’t know they want until they see it.
- Indifferent are features the customer doesn’t want.
Kano Analysis rates product characteristics on two axes measuring the dysfunctional and functional customer satisfaction for a feature.
This analysis can help identify features that will give the solution a unique position in the marketplace based on business value to achieve.